You began your day scanning your email messages identifying what messages were priorities for you to respond and take action.? What grabbed your attention to open these messages?? Was it the generic subject line stamped URGENT?? Was it the poor grammar, long sentences and paragraphs?? These emails are sitting in your inbox unread and will never be opened.?
The risks increase when you're trying to communicate a message via email that impacts, motivates and influences action.? Think and prepare before you send an email.? We get caught up in the day-to-day grind of getting through our email quickly only to find a longer list in our inbox the next day.? The tone communicated through your choice of words, grammar and sentence structure will determine if you build or jeopardize a relationship and succeed or fail to influence others to take action.?
When face-to-face communication isn't an option your words and the structure of your email need to be effective and powerful.? The challenge is getting your reader to open your message, read it and take action.
How do you grab your boss's attention when they work miles away?? It's critical your subject line grabs attention. Avoid the generic subject lines that read; urgent, follow-up, looking for your response.? ?A subject line needs provide the take away of your message
Second, how do you keep your readers attention?? Design a message that's visually appealing and easy to read.?
Immediately communicate your purpose.
Get to the point!? Email isn't for writing articles.
Use bullet points to add emphasis to Patrice Bergeron St Patty's Day jersey your words.
Write in short sentences and paragraphs.
Highlight, bold and italicize your key points and ideas.
When scheduling a meeting provide up to three dates and times for your reader Patrice Bergeron St Patty's Day jersey to choose.
The third step to influencing action; design your message for THEM and not the entire organization.? Although this might seem obvious, most of us tend to bypass this step.? How many times have you receive emails and your name is in the "CC" column along with hundreds?? When you tap into what is important to your reader
Take at least five minutes to identify what's important to your reader by applying the acronym K.N.O.W. ?
K ? what does your reader know about your topic?
N ? what do they need to know to take action?
O ? what is their opinion on your topic?